Copyright by Vic |
Procrastination represents a phenomenon of avoiding tasks that should be accomplished in the immediate future and instead focusing on more pleasurable and interesting things. At the same time, procrastination is more complex than that basic idea which is why it also covers things like putting off obligations, doing less urgent things than the more urgent one and so on.
Essentially, it represents a process of not doing things that the person deems important without any real obstacle that is stopping them. Today, it seems that procrastination is becoming a widespread issue, especially among the young professionals, Millennials, and the subsequent generations. Here, the same phenomenon is becoming a problem that many see as the number 1. thing that is holding them back in their professional life, but also in other domains.
This blog will focus on the crucial connection between the process of procrastination and the emotional context in which it develops and manifests itself. The idea is that through understanding what procrastination is from a psychological perspective, it can be overcome. At the same time, if you desire a detailed look at psychology of procrastination check out this eBook.
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